
Sites et Paysages De Vaubarlet

France, Haute-Loire, Sainte-Sigolene - Locate on map 82 customers reviews Information about the campsite
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Camping2Be Winner 2024
Sites et Paysages De Vaubarlet - image n°1 - Camping2Be More pictures

Detailed comments on the campsite

Cleanliness 8,5
Accommodation/Pitch 8,7
Comfort 8,3
Reception 8,9
Services & amenities 8,1
Quality-price ratio 8,3
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Review (82)

Evaluations that are not older than two years and have undergone a verification process
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2,88 /10
J John D. Posted 28/09/2023
Certified reviews
Review of the campsite :

I feel facilities seemed tired not well maintained and not very clean.

General maintenance of site was not good our stay was end of season which may play a part.

Accommodation review : Pitch CONFORT 3* - Electricity 16 Amp

Well spaced


customers reviews Camping2Be customers reviews Camping2Be customers reviews
Detailed comments on the campsite
Cleanliness 2
Accommodation/Pitch 3
Comfort 3
Reception 3
Services & amenities 3
Quality-price ratio 3
Activities / Animations 3
10 /10
S STEPHEN S. Posted 31/08/2022
Certified reviews
Review of the campsite :

The feel of Nature

Only 1 thing - its was still quite noisy after 11pm on both nights. teenagers talking loudly. perhaps the campsite needs to remind people to keep the noise down after 11pm.

Accommodation review : Emp. Confort 2 pers 16A

Good size pitch


customers reviews Camping2Be customers reviews Camping2Be customers reviews
Detailed comments on the campsite
Cleanliness 10
Accommodation/Pitch 10
Comfort 10
Reception 10
Services & amenities 10
Quality-price ratio 10
Activities / Animations 10
Activities for kids 10
6,44 /10
E Eva K. Posted 16/08/2022
Certified reviews
Review of the campsite :

River, trees, green environment.

Toilets, pitches are smaller than expected, pool looked a bit old.

Accommodation review : Pitch CONFORT 3* - Electricity 16 Amp


Smaller than expected.


customers reviews Camping2Be customers reviews Camping2Be customers reviews
Detailed comments on the campsite
Cleanliness 6
Accommodation/Pitch 6
Comfort 5
Reception 7
Services & amenities 6
Quality-price ratio 8
Activities / Animations 6
Activities for kids 6
7,67 /10
S Svenne A. Posted 15/08/2022
Certified reviews
Review of the campsite :

Nice surrounding, great atmosphere

Accommodation review : Pitch CONFORT 3* - Electricity 16 Amp

Spacious enough

Can be a bit noisy near service area. But after 11 everything is quiet


customers reviews Camping2Be customers reviews Camping2Be customers reviews
Detailed comments on the campsite
Cleanliness 8
Accommodation/Pitch 7
Comfort 8
Reception 9
Services & amenities 8
Quality-price ratio 8
Activities / Animations 6
Activities for kids 6
8,62 /10
R RICHARD H. Posted 29/06/2022
Certified reviews
Review of the campsite :

Peace and quiet.Fresh clean air.refreshing swimming pool.Plenty of space on each emplacement.

Would like to see restaurant open in low season even if only at weekends.

Accommodation review : Emp. Confort 2 pers 16A

Large and flat.


Establishment response

Bonjour, nous espérons que le fait que le restaurant soit fermé n’a pas trop impacté votre séjour et que vous avez quand même apprécié le temps passé au camping. Merci d’avoir pris le temps de nous faire part de votre retour.


customers reviews Camping2Be customers reviews Camping2Be customers reviews
Detailed comments on the campsite
Cleanliness 9
Accommodation/Pitch 9
Comfort 9
Reception 9
Services & amenities 9
Quality-price ratio 10
Activities / Animations 7
9,78 /10
A Adeline A. Posted 21/07/2024
Certified reviews
Review of the campsite :

Le calme, les services (velo à disposition, machine à laver, jeux, livres), la disponibilité, la bonne humeur.

Accommodation review : Florès 3*Comfort (30m²) 2 bedrooms and covered terrace.

La literie, les rangements, le grand frigo

Fonctionnement de l’eau chaude.

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customers reviews Camping2Be customers reviews Camping2Be customers reviews
Detailed comments on the campsite
Cleanliness 8
Accommodation/Pitch 10
Comfort 10
Reception 10
Services & amenities 10
Quality-price ratio 10
Activities / Animations 10
Activities for kids 10
10 /10
N nicole V. Posted 21/07/2024
Certified reviews
Review of the campsite :

Sérénité ; convivialité des autres campeurs ! Air pur apporté par les arbres.

Accommodation review : Chalet Country Lodge 3* Comfort - (35m²), 2 bedrooms, bathroom and covered terrace.

Fonctionnalité du lodge. Place importante autour de chaque logement.

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customers reviews Camping2Be customers reviews Camping2Be customers reviews
Detailed comments on the campsite
Cleanliness 10
Accommodation/Pitch 10
Comfort 10
Reception 10
Services & amenities 10
Quality-price ratio 10
Activities / Animations 10
Activities for kids 10
10 /10
V vanessa H. Posted 15/07/2024
Certified reviews
Review of the campsite :

Accueil chaleureux et bienveillance. Un cadre magnifique calme et verdoyant mais avec ce qu'il faut d'activités pour que tous y trouvent leur compte. Ambiance familiale et bungalow bien espacé, confortables sans oublier le super restaurant ! Merci pour votre accueil nous sommes requinqué !

Une nouvelle portée de chatons pour l'année prochaine

Accommodation review : Pitch Natur without electricity 2*

Super et bien ombragé

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customers reviews Camping2Be customers reviews Camping2Be customers reviews
Detailed comments on the campsite
Cleanliness 10
Accommodation/Pitch 10
Comfort 10
Reception 10
Services & amenities 10
Quality-price ratio 10
Activities / Animations 10
Activities for kids 10
9 /10
M Martine L. Posted 14/07/2024
Certified reviews
Review of the campsite :

Très agréable, reposant et du personnel très aimables

Accommodation review : Cottage Confort Duo - Mobil Home Privilège - 2 ch

Conforme à sa description

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customers reviews Camping2Be customers reviews Camping2Be customers reviews
Detailed comments on the campsite
Cleanliness 9
Accommodation/Pitch 9
Comfort 9
Reception 9
Services & amenities 9
Quality-price ratio 9
Activities / Animations 9
10 /10
K karen H. Posted 13/07/2024
Certified reviews
Review of the campsite :

accueil très chaleureux, camping agréable, arboré avec une jolie vue sur la forêt, plein d'activités pour les enfants

Accommodation review : Panoramic Privilege Pitch 4*

la magnifique vue sur la nature, la grande salle de lecture, le restaurant, la piscine

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customers reviews Camping2Be customers reviews Camping2Be customers reviews
Detailed comments on the campsite
Cleanliness 10
Accommodation/Pitch 10
Comfort 10
Reception 10
Services & amenities 10
Quality-price ratio 10
Activities / Animations 10
10 /10
M Marie G. Posted 13/07/2024
Certified reviews
Review of the campsite :

Super camping familial avec une équipe d’animation au top. Grand emplacement, le site est ombragé… bref le cadre est idéal pour passer des vacances reposantes

Rien ne nous a déplu

Accommodation review : Pitch CONFORT 3* - Electricity 16 Amp

Emplacement avec sanitaire privée très agreable

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customers reviews Camping2Be customers reviews Camping2Be customers reviews
Detailed comments on the campsite
Cleanliness 10
Accommodation/Pitch 10
Comfort 10
Reception 10
Services & amenities 10
Quality-price ratio 10
Activities / Animations 10
Activities for kids 10
10 /10
E Elisa V. Posted 08/07/2024
Certified reviews
Review of the campsite :

Nous avons réservé ce camping pour assister au festival les Brumes. Nous sommes ravis de notre séjour, le camping a été une très belle découverte : très bien entretenu, équipements modernes (piscine), emplacements en pleine nature, vraiment très chouette ! Propriétaires sympathiques ! On recommande...et on y retournera !

Accommodation review : Panoramic Privilege Pitch 4*

spacieux, arboré, en face des jeux pour enfants.

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customers reviews Camping2Be customers reviews Camping2Be customers reviews
Detailed comments on the campsite
Cleanliness 10
Accommodation/Pitch 10
Comfort 10
Reception 10
Services & amenities 10
Quality-price ratio 10
1 /10
L Laura A. Posted 08/07/2024
Certified reviews
Review of the campsite :

Très decevant

Accommodation review : Panoramic Privilege Pitch 4*

Pas bien place du tout

L emplacements avec des trous de taupe partout

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customers reviews Camping2Be customers reviews Camping2Be customers reviews
Detailed comments on the campsite
Cleanliness 1
Accommodation/Pitch 1
Comfort 1
Reception 1
Services & amenities 1
Quality-price ratio 1
Activities / Animations 1
9 /10
A alexandra D. Posted 08/07/2024
Certified reviews
Review of the campsite :

Accueil chaleureux , un camping très propre et très beau tout en simplicité

Accommodation review : Pitch CONFORT 3* - Electricity 16 Amp

Emplacement calme bien délimité et propre

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customers reviews Camping2Be customers reviews Camping2Be customers reviews
Detailed comments on the campsite
Cleanliness 9
Accommodation/Pitch 9
Comfort 9
Reception 9
Services & amenities 9
Quality-price ratio 9
9,71 /10
H hervé G. Posted 04/06/2024
Certified reviews
Review of the campsite :

le lieu est très reposant et très calme dans un environnement boisé, un cours d'eau traverse non loin le camping

Accommodation review : Cottage Suite Privilège with 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms (38,4m²). Kitchen with dishwasher.

la disposition qui donne de l'espace au cottage

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customers reviews Camping2Be customers reviews Camping2Be customers reviews
Detailed comments on the campsite
Cleanliness 10
Accommodation/Pitch 9
Comfort 9
Reception 10
Services & amenities 10
Quality-price ratio 10
9,33 /10
C Céline D. Posted 14/05/2024
Certified reviews
Review of the campsite :

Un petit coin de paradis au calme en pleine nature, au bord d'une rivière et parmi les sapins. Une famille de gérants adorables, aux petits soins et toujours disponibles Un choix de locatifs variés pour tous les goûts Des activités variées pour le plus grand plaisir des enfants : chateau gonflable, baby-foot, piscine, tir à l'arc... Une restauration simple et de qualité, faite maison, un petit bar convivial, un petit magasin pour depanner

Accommodation review : Cottage Confort Duo - Mobil Home Privilège - 2 ch

Au calme et avec une belle baie vitrée

Un peu petit

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customers reviews Camping2Be customers reviews Camping2Be customers reviews
Detailed comments on the campsite
Cleanliness 10
Accommodation/Pitch 10
Comfort 8
Reception 10
Services & amenities 9
Quality-price ratio 8
Activities / Animations 9
Activities for kids 10
10 /10
C Charlotte D. Posted 12/05/2024
Certified reviews
Review of the campsite :


Accommodation review : Canadian tent 3* Insolite Comfort - 25m², without sanitary -2 bedrooms

Au top

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customers reviews Camping2Be customers reviews Camping2Be customers reviews
Detailed comments on the campsite
Cleanliness 10
Accommodation/Pitch 10
Comfort 10
Reception 10
Services & amenities 10
Quality-price ratio 10
Activities / Animations 10
Activities for kids 10
9,57 /10
S Said G. Posted 02/05/2024
Certified reviews
Review of the campsite :

Le calme, la nature

Accommodation review : Cyclo Rando tent - nature 1* - 1 bedroom with 2 single beds


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customers reviews Camping2Be customers reviews Camping2Be customers reviews
Detailed comments on the campsite
Cleanliness 10
Accommodation/Pitch 10
Comfort 10
Reception 10
Services & amenities 10
Quality-price ratio 7
9,86 /10
M Melissa S. Posted 01/05/2024
Certified reviews
Review of the campsite :

Un accueil parfait en toute simplicité et avec bienveillance. Merci, un plaisir d’être venu se ressourcer au vert !

Accommodation review : Chalet Country Lodge 3* Comfort - (35m²), 2 bedrooms, bathroom and covered terrace.

Nous avons eu un autre logement pour raison entretien. Très bon logement proposé

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customers reviews Camping2Be customers reviews Camping2Be customers reviews
Detailed comments on the campsite
Cleanliness 10
Accommodation/Pitch 10
Comfort 10
Reception 10
Services & amenities 9
Quality-price ratio 10
9,57 /10
C Christelle G. Posted 29/04/2024
Certified reviews
Review of the campsite :

L'arrangement pour le dernier jour

Accommodation review : Safari Lodge Insolite Premium - 2ch

Le site

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customers reviews Camping2Be customers reviews Camping2Be customers reviews
Detailed comments on the campsite
Cleanliness 9
Accommodation/Pitch 10
Comfort 9
Reception 10
Services & amenities 10
Quality-price ratio 9


customers reviews Camping2Be customers reviews Camping2Be customers reviews