Spontaneous and certified reviews: your guarantee of trust

While purchasing and booking decisions are largely influenced by online reviews, at Camping2Be we believe it is essential to distinguish between the different forms of testimonials available. That's why we offer two types of reviews: spontaneous reviews and certified reviews, the latter offering a real guarantee of trust for internet users.

We explain below why certified reviews represent undeniable added value for Camping2Be users.

Spontaneous reviews: the free expression of internet users

Spontaneous reviews are, as their name suggests, left freely by internet users via our form available on all pages. They can be left by any user who wishes to share their experience, whether they have actually stayed at the campsite in question or not. These reviews are often written by people who were particularly satisfied or, on the contrary, disappointed by their stay. Indeed, strong emotions, positive or negative, generally motivate the writing of an unsolicited review.

However, one of the main problems with unsolicited reviews is their variable reliability. Given that these reviews can be submitted by anyone, including people who have not stayed at the establishment, there is a risk of reviews being biased, exaggerated or, in the worst case, entirely fictitious. Therefore, while these reviews can provide useful information, they are not fully representative of the overall customer experience.

Certified reviews: our guarantee of authenticity

Certified reviews have been submitted by internet users who we are certain have actually stayed at the campsite. The day after the last day of their stay, these customers receive an invitation to share their experience.

The certification of reviews is based on a rigorous verification process. Camping2Be's partner establishments provide the contact details of customers who have stayed with them, enabling the site to send a request for a review directly to these customers. This process guarantees that each certified review comes from a reliable and authentic source. In other words, certified reviews are an accurate reflection of campers' actual experiences, without any outside influence. The assurance of feedback you can rely on when choosing your next campsite!

Certified AND qualified reviews

The majority of reviews available on Camping2Be are not only certified but also qualified: they are linked to a stay as we have just seen but also to a specific accommodation, whether it is a mobile home, a bungalow, a chalet or even a "simple" pitch for a tent or camper van. You are therefore guaranteed a review on the campsite that interests you AND on the accommodation that you are considering booking.

The added value of certified reviews

Thus, for visitors to Camping2Be, the distinction between spontaneous reviews and certified reviews is crucial. When planning your camping stay, you are looking above all for reliable information that is representative of what you can really expect from an establishment. Here's why certified reviews play a major role:

  1. Reliability and Trust: Certified reviews are more reliable, because they are written by people who have actually stayed at the campsite. This significantly reduces the risk of coming across biased or fraudulent reviews.
  2. Representativeness: Since only customers who have actually stayed at the campsite can leave a certified review, they offer a more representative view of the overall experience at the establishment. They cover a wider range of experiences and points of view, allowing future holidaymakers to form a more precise and nuanced idea of the establishment.
  3. Transparency: The process of verifying certified reviews reinforces transparency, a crucial element in Internet users' decisions. Knowing that the review comes from someone who has actually had the experience described helps to remove doubts and provide peace of mind to users.
  4. Protection against fakes: Certified reviews also protect Internet users against fake reviews, a recurring problem on online shopping sites. By having the assurance that each certified review is authentic, users can browse and choose with complete peace of mind.
  5. Informed decision: It is understood that the quality of information is essential for an informed decision. Certified reviews offer precise descriptions of the services, facilities, accommodation and reception at campsites, which helps Internet users choose the place to stay that best meets their expectations and needs.

On Camping2Be, certified reviews are more than just another option; they are a guarantee of reliability, transparency and trust for Internet users. For users looking to make an informed choice for their camping holiday, certified reviews are an invaluable resource, ensuring that every decision is based on authentic and verified testimonials.

Enjoy reading, and enjoy your camping holiday!